E3 Live RenewMe! / Blue Green Algae


E3 Live RenewMe! / Blue Green Algae (300 veggie caps- 800 mg each).

Recommended Use
4 capsules, 1 or more times daily as desired (5 upon rising with Diatomaceous Earth).

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E3 Live RenewMe! / Blue Green Algae
E3 Live RenewMe! / Blue Green Algae (300 veggie caps – 800 mg each).

Dosage should be based on body weight; a 200 lb. person will need approximately twice as much of a supplement as a 100 lb. person. The directions below are primarily from the manufacturer(s) for the average 150-160 lb. man or woman.

Recommended Use
4 capsules, 1 or more times daily as desired (5 upon rising with Diatomaceous Earth).

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