NZ-Red Velvet Deer Antler


30 Plant-Source Capsules
Promotes Optimal Health and Well Being*
  • Exquisite quality from New Zealand deer; humanely harvested without harm to the deer
  • Broad spectrum adaptogenic support*
  • Naturally occurring collagen
  • Treasured as one of the most valuable agents in traditional Eastern health practices
  • Velvet deer antler has been consumed for centuries to nourish jing essence (overall health and vitality)*

Recommended Use
Take one capsule daily.

Equisite quality deer antler for broad spectrum adaptogenic support and optimal health and well being*

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Technical Bulletin

A Treasured Ancient Nourisher

Velvet deer antler is treasured as one of the most valuable agents in traditional Eastern health practices, used for centuries to nourish the body’s “jing” essence (defined as overall health and vitality).*  According to these principles, velvet deer antler is considered  to be one of the most robust agents for this purpose.

Adaptogenic Support

Russian scholars highly regard velvet deer antler for its extraordinary, broad spectrum adaptogenic components that delivers biologically active health benefiting properties.* Emerging science clinically suggests the effects of velvet deer antler may support performance.*

Naturally Occurring Collagen

Recent research has discovered that collagen is a natural constituent of velvet deer antler which supports the production of cartilaginous tissue and formation of the bone of the antler.  Collagen is a protein extensively documented for supporting skin health.*

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