Plant Vitamin C


60 Plant-Source Capsules
Antioxidant, Immune & Optimal Health Support*
  • Whole-nutrient vitamin C – without corn derivatives or synthetic ascorbic acid
  • Supports immune system health in all four seasons*
  • Offers well-known antioxidant activity*
  • Gentle on your stomach (no acidity as found in chemical vitamin C)

Recommended Use
Take 2 capsules daily or as directed by a health professional.

Antioxidant, Immune & Optimal Health Support*

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Technical Bulletin

Premier Vitamin C features natural, plant-source vitamin C from selected botanical agents that naturally contain vitamin C. Unlike many vitamin C products, Premier Vitamin C offers a botanical vitamin C formula without synthetic ascorbic acid (ascorbic acid made in a test tube) or calcium ascorbate. The total vitamin C content of this formula is from organic Amla (a fruit extract) supported by naturally occurring co-botanicals, organic cilantro, rose hips, hesperidin extract and quercetin. This product delivers premier antioxidant power with natural free radical quenching activity for optimal immune support.*

Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), also known as “Amla – the wonderberry”, is a prized fruit in Ayruveda and known for its broad applications and immune benefits.* It has a full spectrum of beneficial properties and is recognized as the perfect nutritional agent for all 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), thus providing balance for the body’s function according to its specific needs. Amla is one of the richest sources of natural vitamin C in the world. For example, it can provide 10 to 30 times the vitamin C content of a typical orange!

The amla fruit contains a vast array of vitamins and minerals as well as naturally occurring phytonutrients such as tannins, flavonoids and various polyphenolic compounds. The vitamin C content of amla is inherently bonded to its bioflavonoid constituents that guard it from premature degradation, thus protecting its antioxidant and immune supporting properties. Science suggests phytocompounds such as emblicanins (hydrolysable tannins) may promote the recycling of naturally occurring L-ascorbic acid and offer potent antioxidant properties. Because of this natural phytonutrient symphony, which includes bioflavonids and other powerful synergists, co-factors and transporters, clinical evidence suggests that amla is far more effective, milligram for milligram, than the synthetic form of vitamin C, ascorbic acid.

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